Success schema

Client methods return a result object. When a request succeeds, the data received from Spree is retrievable using its success() method and provided in the JSON:API format. isSuccess() tells if a request succeeded.

Error schema

The SDK avoids throwing JavaScript Errors. Instead, any error is included in a result object.

To determine whether a call was successful, use isSuccess() or isFail() methods on the result. Details of a failed call can be retrieved using fail(). The method returns a SpreeSDKError instance, which is the primary type for all errors returned by the SDK and extends the native JavaScript Error type.

Available SpreeSDKError subtypes:

Class Name Purpose
MisconfigurationError Signifies the SDK's Client was created with improper options. Make sure the values of host and other options (if any) provided to Client have the correct format.
NoResponseError Spree store could not be reached. Ensure it's running and available under the host address provided to the Client instance.
SpreeError Spree responded with an error. To debug the issue, check the error's serverResponse field. It contains details about the response from Spree, such as the HTTP status code and headers.
BasicSpreeError Extends SpreeError with a summary field provided by Spree and containing a summary of the issue.
ExpandedSpreeError Extends BasicSpreeError with a errors field. errors contains a detailed explanation of the issue, ex. all the validation errors when trying to add shipping details to a Spree order. The getErrors method can be used to retrieve a concrete value inside errors, ex. expSpreeError.getErrors(['bill_address', 'firstname']).

The specific type of error returned by fail() can be determined using instanceof, ex. if( instanceof BasicSpreeError){...}.

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